Street Photography
Man up in the sky - Naples
Jesus Christ on Charles Bridge - Prague, Czech Republic 2023
The Dancing House - Prague, Czech Republic 2023
Tor Pignattara - Rome 2022
Woman in front of a terrifying photo - Berlin 2023
Tor Pignattara - Rome 2022
Tor Pignattara - Rome 2022
Straight to the point - Prague, Czech Republic 2023
Fiesta de Gracia, Barcelona 2014.
Lost generation - Vatican City St. Peter's Square 2023
Tor Pignattara - Rome 2022
Different heads - Rome, Termini Station
Loneliness - Gallipoli, Puglia. Italy
Advertisement for a fetish club - Berlin 2023
The dead dool shop - Berlin 2023
Asylum department - Fourigrotta Market, Naples 2022
Colored boots - Fourigrotta Market, Naples 2022
Almost naked - Fourigrotta Market, Naples 2022
Fresh fish - Fourigrotta Market, Naples 2022
Angry - Galleria Umberto I, Naples 2022
Happy friends - Naples 2022
Mother's heart - Naples 2022
Serpent's look - Cocullo, Abruzzo 2014
Face to face - Gianicolo, Rome
Boom ! - Gianicolo, Rome
Sleeping under the sun - Alexander Platz Berlin 2023
Sleeping under the sky - Rome
Fake lips - Rome, Termini Station
Big head - Rome
Coco made me do it - New York
Blue style - Harlem, New York
True love - New York Subway
Big ass - Bronx, New York
I'm still here - Broolkyn, New York
Satan's horn and the holy water - Rome
Mirrored visions - Rome, Ara Pacis
I'm right - Rome, Porta Portese
Happiness - Rome, Porta Portese
Perplexed man - Rome, Porta Portese
Twins - Rome, Porta Portese
Me and my dog - Rome, Termini station
The hole - Naples
Castel Sant'angelo behind ball's lens - Rome, Castel Sant'Angelo
Be mad - Rome, Porta Portese
Mysterious hats - Rome, Porta Portese
Frames for free - Rome, Porta Portese
Colored belts - Rome, Porta Portese
Wise people #1 - Scanno, Abruzzo. Italy
Wise people #2 - Scanno, Abruzzo. Italy
Wise people #3 - Scanno, Abruzzo. Italy
Wise people #4 - Scanno, Abruzzo. Italy
Wise people #5 - Scanno, Abruzzo. Italy
My favorite nun - Rome, Porta Portese
Urban vision - Rome
The painting on the back - Rome, Porta Portese
Mad professor - Naples